Daily Habits for Adolescents to Increase Height

Achieving an ideal height is a pursuit for many individuals. Let’s explore effective ways to increase height through daily habits with Grow Taller Solutions.

Daily Habits for Adolescents to Increase Height
Daily Habits for Adolescents to Increase Height

Combine Exercise and Sports

Regular exercise and participation in sports offer numerous benefits such as strengthening muscles and bones, maintaining a healthy body weight, and stimulating the production of growth hormone (HGH), contributing to height growth.

Additionally, exercise helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis, ensuring that bones remain strong and don’t lose density.

Engage in Stretching Exercises and Yoga

If traditional exercises or sports aren’t suitable, consider practicing yoga or stretching exercises. Full-body workouts enhance blood circulation, align body posture, and trigger the release of growth hormones.

Moreover, a 2016 study found that yoga increased bone density in postmenopausal women, preventing height loss during adulthood.

Sunbathing for Enhanced Vitamin D

Vitamin D is crucial for height growth and is synthesized in the skin upon exposure to sunlight.

Adequate levels of vitamin D in the body prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures in adults.

Hence, aim to sunbathe for 20-30 minutes daily to facilitate vitamin D synthesis. Additionally, include vitamin D-rich foods like tuna, salmon, milk, and egg yolks in your diet.

Body Posture

Maintaining a good posture aligns the spinal vertebrae appropriately, potentially making you appear taller. Furthermore, good posture prevents neck and back pain, common symptoms associated with poor posture like slouching.

Pay attention to how you stand, sit, and even sleep. Adjust your standing or sitting posture by:

– Keeping your back and head straight while walking, relaxing your shoulders, and reducing the weight of the bag you’re carrying.

– Standing with legs apart shoulder-width, maintaining a straight posture with arms naturally hanging by the sides. Avoid putting hands in pockets, which can cause the shoulders to slouch.

– When sitting, cultivate a habit of keeping your back straight and avoiding slouching. Adjust chair height so that thighs are parallel to the floor, and feet are flat on the ground.

– Place a supportive cushion or pillow for your back to avoid slouching and refrain from crossing your legs while sitting.

Sufficient Sleep

Quality sleep not only revitalizes the mind but also plays a crucial role in stimulating the production of growth hormone (HGH) and contributes to overall growth.

According to the recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), different age groups require varying amounts of sleep:

– Infants (0-3 months): 14-17 hours

– Infants (4-12 months): 12-16 hours

– Toddlers (1-2 years): 11-14 hours

– Preschoolers (3-5 years): 10-13 hours

– Children (6-13 years): 9-12 hours

– Teenagers (14-17 years): 8-10 hours

– Adults (18-64 years): 7-9 hours

– Older adults (65+ years): 7-8 hours

Balanced Nutrition

A comprehensive overview in 2016 highlighted that improvements in diet and lifestyle contribute to average height increase in adults.

Therefore, adopting a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and proteins provides essential nutrients for maintaining robust bone health, preventing bone loss, and crucially, aiding in height increase.

Boost Height-Enhancing Foods


Milk and dairy products contain vital nutrients such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, which promote overall body health, bone, and muscle development.

Consequently, supplementing your diet with two glasses of milk daily or dairy products like cheese, butter, or yogurt effectively supports height growth.


Eggs contain nutrients like protein, calcium, and vitamin D, which aids in calcium absorption, supports overall health, and contributes to bone density.

Moreover, a study of 874 children in Western Kenya showed that regular egg consumption was associated with increased height in children.

Chicken Meat

Vitamin B12 and taurine found in chicken meat aid in bone formation and growth, supporting height development and maintenance. Additionally, an 85-gram serving of chicken contains about 20 grams of protein.

Therefore, chicken meat is an excellent nutritional source essential for body development.

Legumes and Seeds

Legumes and seeds are protein sources that assist in regulating crucial hormones involved in body growth, potentially aiding in height increase.

Hence, incorporating at least 55 grams of legumes and seeds into your daily diet is recommended.


Bananas are rich in potassium, manganese, calcium, soluble fiber, Vitamins B6, C, A, and prebiotics, providing essential nutrients beneficial for a healthy body. It’s a fruit you shouldn’t overlook if aiming for height support.


Oatmeal is a nutrient-rich source of fiber and protein, helping increase bone density and mass while repairing body tissues. Furthermore, the plentiful amino acids in oats aid in new tissue formation.

Therefore, consider incorporating at least 50 grams of oats into your daily meals. This article has provided effective height-increasing tips. Feel free to share it with family and friends if you find it useful!


What habit can make you taller?

There isn’t a specific habit that can directly make you taller after a certain age. However, maintaining a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, practicing good posture, and engaging in regular exercise, particularly activities that involve stretching and hanging exercises, can help support overall health and potentially optimize your growth potential during your growth years.

How can I increase my height daily routine?

Incorporating certain practices into your daily routine might assist in optimizing your growth potential. This includes eating a nutritious diet rich in calcium, protein, vitamins, and minerals, getting adequate sleep (7-9 hours per night), exercising regularly with a focus on stretching and yoga poses that promote lengthening of the spine, maintaining good posture, and avoiding habits like smoking or excessive caffeine intake that could potentially hinder growth.

How to trigger a growth spurt at 16?

Growth spurts are primarily determined by genetics and hormones, and triggering them at a particular age isn’t entirely within your control. However, ensuring proper nutrition, sufficient sleep, regular exercise (including stretching and high-intensity activities that can potentially stimulate growth hormone release), and avoiding factors that could inhibit growth may support your body’s natural growth process during adolescence.

Can I grow 5 cm after 18?

Typically, most individuals stop growing in height after the closure of their growth plates, which often occurs by around 18-25 years old for males and slightly earlier for females. After the growth plates close, it becomes unlikely to gain significant height naturally. However, some rare cases might experience minimal height changes due to improved posture or other factors, but gaining 5 cm after 18 years old is generally challenging.

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