What Age Do Girls Stop Growing in Height Completely?

The question of ‘At what age do girls stop growing in height completely?’ is a matter of great concern for many parents today. To address this query, let’s delve into the article below.

Stages of height growth in females

Modern scientific research has delineated the height development process in females into five stages. At each stage, height growth in females varies. Nonetheless, each stage plays a crucial role in individual development. These stages are as follows:

– Fetal stage: Starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, the fetal skeletal system begins to develop and elongate. This partially affects a child’s height as they grow. Hence, a mother’s diet during pregnancy significantly influences a child’s future height.

– Ages 0 – 3: This period marks the most rapid height growth in both girls and boys. During this time, a child’s height undergoes swift development, determining their future stature. Scientific studies indicate that the height a child achieves during this period accounts for approximately 60% of their future height.

– Ages 3 – 13: This phase covers height development before puberty. Girls continue to grow in height during this stage but at a slower pace than the previous stage. However, it serves as a stepping stone for robust height development in the subsequent stage.

– Puberty: Girls typically start puberty around the age of 13. This phase represents a significant period of intense height growth and greatly influences a child’s adult height. To achieve optimal height, proper body care is crucial during this stage.

– Post-puberty stage: After passing through puberty, a child’s height growth slows down and enters a stable phase. Nonetheless, height improvement is still possible during this phase if influenced by positive factors.

What Age Do Girls Stop Growing in Height Completely?
What Age Do Girls Stop Growing in Height Completely?

How long do girls continue to grow in height?

Many people assume that the body stops growing in height once they reach 18 years old. However, this is a misconception that scientists have refuted. Experts suggest that the age range of 10 to 18 marks a period of intense growth, where height development is very prominent. After this age range, height growth slows down and may not be visibly apparent, leading many to believe that growth has ceased.

Nevertheless, the body’s skeletal system only begins to solidify and stop growing from the age of 21 onwards. After surpassing age 21, the body continues to experience height growth due to the influence of growth hormones. However, excessive production of these hormones or specific nutritional habits might still allow girls to grow in height, albeit not significantly.

How can height be improved?

From the information shared above, it’s evident that the age at which girls stop growing in height isn’t entirely fixed but depends on various factors. Genetics play the most significant role, accounting for about 23% of the influence, followed by nutrition, exercise, and sleep. Understanding these influencing factors aids in determining suitable measures for height improvement. Here are some simple and safe methods to enhance height in girls:


Engaging in physical activities and sports is crucial for height improvement. Exercise helps stretch the skeletal system and stimulates the body to produce growth hormones, essential for height development. Some recommended sports for height enhancement, as suggested by experts, include jumping rope, height-increasing yoga, swimming, volleyball, among others.


A balanced diet significantly affects body height. Establishing a healthy eating habit that supplies necessary nutrients for height development is essential. Women should focus on consuming height-boosting foods like dark green vegetables, meat, fish, seafood, fruits, and ensuring adequate water intake.

Sufficient sleep

During sleep, the body produces growth hormones and facilitates bone cell development. To optimize height growth, maintaining a regular and adequate sleep schedule is vital.

Calcium supplementation

Calcium is a crucial micronutrient for bone and joint development as well as body height. Supplementing calcium through health-protective foods is an effective and safe method to improve height in girls.

This article aims to answer the query, ‘At what age do girls stop growing in height?’ Understanding that the age when height growth stops in girls is influenced by various factors is crucial. To prolong the height development period, maintaining a proper sleep schedule, enhancing calcium intake, and daily exercise routines are recommended.


What is the last age of height growth in females?

The last age of significant height growth in females is typically around 18 to 21 years old. However, growth can vary among individuals, and some girls might experience slight height changes even after this age due to factors like genetics, hormonal influences, and lifestyle.

Do girls ever grow after 18?

Yes, some girls may experience minor height changes after 18. Although the most significant growth generally occurs before reaching adulthood, the body might continue to undergo subtle height adjustments due to factors like hormonal fluctuations or specific activities.

Do girls stop growing after 17?

Growth typically continues beyond 17 years old for many girls. While the most rapid growth tends to occur earlier in adolescence, some individuals might still see height changes after 17, albeit at a slower rate.

Do girls ever grow after 16?

Yes, it’s common for girls to continue growing after 16. Most girls experience growth spurts during their teenage years, and while the most substantial growth often occurs earlier in adolescence, further height changes can occur after this age, although they may be minimal.

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